Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Here's to you Rachel Robinson by Judy Blume

Blume, J. (1993). Here's to you rachel robinson. New York: Delacourt Books.
This is the sequel to Blume's book, Just as Long as We're Together, and it features the same trio of friends, Stephanie, Rachel, and Alison as they try and make heads and tales of their changing world. In this book, Rachel's perfect world is thrown upside down as her brother is kicked out of boarding school forces his volatile behavior on his sister and parents. During this time, Rachel is also trying to balance the pressure of school, awakening sexuality, and changing personalities.
This is a simple and direct way of telling the story of a tween growing up in a world that throws curve ball after curve ball. Although the character of Rachel is far from ordinary, middle school girls will be able to relate to the common obstacles teen girls go through. I remember reading this book thinking that their had never been a character that I could relate to, until I found Rachele Robinson. We had the same name, we both played the flute, we were both over achievers, and we both were going through so much at such a young age. Even though this book has been challenged for its references to sexuality and topics that some think too risque for tweens, I think that tweens are already made aware of them and need to read about others going through the same thing. 
Contemporary Realistic Fiction
Reading Level/Interest Age
5th-8th grade/ Tween
Similar Books
Forever- Judy Blume
P.S Longer Letter Later- Paula Dazinger
Someone Like You- Sarah Dessen
Rachel Robinson- Female protagonist who is a perfectionist and overachiever. Her life is turned upside down when her brother is forced to come after being kicked out from his boarding school.
Stephanie Hirsch- Rachel's best friend since the third grade. 
Charles Robinson- Rachel's brother who is a problem maker and takes the attention away from Rachel. 
Paul Mediros- Rachel brother's older tutor who Rachel develops a crush on. 
Jeremy "The Dragon" Kravitz- Rachel, Alison, and Stephanie's crush of middle school. To the surprise of the girls, he develops his own crush on Rachel. 
Readers Annotation
Rachel Robinson has everything that she has worked so hard for, a great family, true friends, and her middle school crush is crushing back, but despite all of this, Rachel is as lost as ever. Will she be able to achieve her goals without losing herself?

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