Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Other Half of My Heart by Sundee Frazier

Frazier, S. (2010). The Other Half of my Heart. New York: Delacorte Books for Young People.
  When twin sisters Minerva and Keira King were born news of their birth reached all corners of the Earth. Minerva was born white like their father and Keira was born black like their mother. Despite the way that they look and the way others look at them, the King family is closer than ever. Everything changes when their Grandmother Johnson calls and asks the girls to come and stay with her at her house in North Carolina. There, the girls will compete in the prestigious Miss Black Pearl Preteen of America pageant. Minerva is against it from the start but with a little push, Keira convinces her to go along. There roles are reversed and Minni is now the outcast in an all black town and Keira grows resentful for all the years she has had to endure in their all white suburb. Readers will follow the sisterhood and friendship of two girls who are simply just trying to find where they belong.
  This book was a beautiful 360 example of modern day racial prejudice and the perceptions society has on color. Both girls twinkle in their own way and it is up to their bond to shine. Frazier reaches out and addresses issues that children of mixed races go through with grace and humour. She build her characters to mature young ladies and by the end of the book readers will have a better understanding of racial prejudices and how it affects everyone. Frazier took the color line even deeper when she developed twins born of different races. Sister against sister, black against white cannot separate the true bond of these sisters.

Contemporary Realistic Fiction
Reading Level/Interest Level
9-12 years old/5th-8th grade/ Tween
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Minerva King- White, quite, studious and wants nothing to do with girly pageant stuff
Keira King- Black, outgoing, girly, and can't wait to be in the pageant because she loves being in the spotlight
Grandmother Johnson- A large woman who likes to throw her weight around.
Readers Annotation
Minerva and Keira have been together through everything. Now this one summer at Gramother Johnson's house threatens to tear them apart. Will their sisterly bond save them?

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